A while back I posted about possibly giving you all a proper tour of my workspace, and upon taking all of the photos that you’re going to see in this post, I realized that it would be so much better to do a tour video, but I don’t think I have the time to edit a video or anything, so this will have to do for now!
It wasn’t until recently that the love of my life and I changed our living situations, and figured out that sharing an office would be a fun way to spend more time together while I’m working on things, so what you are seeing is my half of the office. His half is his, and I don’t want to take away his privacy, so you unfortunately won’t be able to see all of his amazingly nerdy things, but just know that it is truly brilliant, in literally every way.
Lets get this tour going!
So when you first enter our office you will see our shared Star Wars calendar. This is mostly just a central hub for dates we both need to know, for house things like litter box days, or garbage days, stuff like that.
Next you see my larger organization unit. I love the lip in the wall right there, it adds a little bit of a division and also kind of hides some of the chaos that the unit creates. It looks super hectic but it is actually the most organized I think I’ve ever had everything. Beyond that unit you get to see my little desk, which is a repainted antique from my mom, I believe it was her grandmothers. I’m not sure if its my favourite storage solution, but I definitely love that it has history and that I can say its been passed down through the family. (I also have the matching dresser and nightstand that came with it.)
The unit that stores almost all of my art and craft supplies is a combination of Michaels Craft Cubes and a super DIY Cube Shelf that I made on the bottom. I have labels on all of the drawers so that my process is pretty streamlined and I don’t need to dump all of them out looking for what I need. There are a few other cubes that I would love to have and some day I’m sure I’ll have the room or plan out a better system that will allow for that, but as of right now, I’m really loving how helpful this set up is. The two picture boxes at the top house, knick knacks and blank cards.
Next we have the front view of my desk set up. I’ve got all of my prints set up on the wall so that I can look up at all of my favourite art. Most of these prints are by local artists, I will link all of their instagrams and try to link the others if I can find them: Fixed Lividity, Jade Poon, HunyMilk, Sshaniaa, and the Jelly Fish painting was done by yours truly.
For someone who really only buys something if it’s black, white or gray, I definitely need to surround myself with colourful art to get inspired. On my desk I have a little copper tray that holds findings, paper clips, glasses, and a jar of knitting needles and hooks. I have a little filing folder holder, the holder is from Target, and the folders are Nate Berkus. My computer is usually right there on top of my desk, with my bullet journal, and Midori, as well as my watercolour sketchbook, and paints. I also just bought that super cute travel easel, and I’m obsessed with it, it takes up no space, and it can hold a book for me if I feel like reading while I’m crocheting! Sounds like actual perfection to me.
Not really shown in this photo is the little space between my wall and the desk. This is a little nook that I hold anything thin, like spare canvas’, rolls of paper, frames or looms for my weaving, a hoola hoop for a project I’m working on, basically just anything that will fit there, is usually there.
Moving over, you now get to see the other half of my corner, featuring a super cheap kitchen pantry unity from Canadian Tire, my yarn peg board and my little Raskog Cart from Ikea! You also get to see that I am currently using an ottoman as my office chair and there is a really good excuse for that!
I’m using that as a chair because I get to a) sit cross legged, hence more relaxed, and b) I get to sit with my cats! They always come and check on me while I’m painting or crocheting or even just writing blog posts. They are both here right now as I write this.
On top of my pantry I keep all my pretty black and white planners. I recently sold my planner collection and these are the only ones I have left, I kind of plan on keeping it that way now that I’ve found the pure magic that is my BUJO! If you haven’t already read those posts, check out my Bullet Journal Tour, and my Guide to Bullet Journaling!
The planner collection is held together by some wall sconces that I repurposed into bookends, I plan on painting them eventually, and they are accompanied by a Toki Doki Unicorno and an Ikea plant pot holding all my rulers, scissors and tools.
My yarn peg board was a super last minute DIY. I found an amazing deal on this piece of peg board at Deals Express, and got my dad to hang it up with some deck screws. I cut some dowling down to size and then spun my yarn with a Loops and Threads yarn winding machine! This not only makes for an amazing artsy display, but also a super organized way for me to know what I have and what I need for a crochet or knitting project! I’m super excited to see some empty spaces after all my christmas gift knitting is done!
The pantry was bought on sale at Canadian Tire for I believe under $40, and it mostly holds admin related things, like my printer, laminator, envelopes, packaging, paper, my camera, some punches, and cutting boards, a zine stables and other little things that I need for my shop and writing group.
The Raskog holds all my writing utensils in little plant pots I found at the dollar store, I spray painted them rose gold, to match the rose gold magnetic organizer pots stuck to the front side of my cart. These hold little paper clips and binder clips and other findings. On the second and third shelves I have current projects, some washi tape, planner stickers and some Crayola Super Tip markers!
I think thats everything for my workspace tour, I hope you enjoyed it! I would love to see your workspace, please feel free to send me a link to your workspace posts in my comments. As always, thanks for reading my post and please check back in on Friday for a new one!
Have a super nifty day,