This month I’ve decided to pull a post theme from my old bag of tricks! I used to blog about books so often back in university but somewhere along the way reading lost its appeal and writing took the wheel (ughhh accidental poetry?!) So this month I decided that I’m going to share my list of books I’m going to try to finish this month. I’m not going to go into detail about each one, I’ll just put the photo and a link to each of the goodreads pages! Next to each book I’ll eventually put a note when I finish it with the date so that we can keep track of my progress! Okay! Now for the main event! (saying that makes me feel like one of those OG Pokemon trainers…)
4. How to Be a Bawse: A Guide to Conquering Life
As you can probably tell there is a pretty random mix here. I mean comic books and personal development? Really? Most of the comics I’ll probably read in one day, and then I want to get How to be a Bawse done before I head to the cottage. Milk and Honey will be a great read for sitting on the dock and $100 Start Up will be a pretty constructive read incase it rains or anything while we’re there! Its not the most ambitious list I’ve had but its more than half my current TBR list in my BUJO. The rest is all YA, fiction or Fantasy mostly, which I find sometimes a bit harder to read for some reason, I really need to figure why that is… probably has something to do with going to university for English Lit though.
I’ll keep this post updated as well as post on instagram when I complete each book! Please feel free to comment below if you’ve read any of these and let me know what you thought of them! No spoilers please!
Thanks for reading, have a nifty day!