It’s been a hot minute since I wrote last, and I mean literally I haven’t written anything aside from emails and facebook posts since November. NaNoWriMo kind of drained me a bit last year, and by the time I had my drive back, I got so sick, got better, then got sick again. It’s been one hell of a year so far but, never the less, happy new year friends.
I could waste your time and chatter on and on about how I spent my holiday, or where I’ve been the past two months, but I don’t really think any of it would make good content, which is a huge focus of mine this year: GOOD CONTENT.
I want to give you positive, meaningful and useful content, cohesive with my brand, among other goals I’ve set for my business and blog in 2018, which we’re going to be talking about today! So let’s just jump into the fun list part of the post that everyone will skip ahead to, shall we!
- I want to create a more streamlined schedule for my freelance so that I can make time for more possible clients.
- I want to zero in on my niche and find clients that fit my style better.
- I want to pick up more one-off gigs, maybe go back to my roots of editing or paginating jobs.
- I need to build my portfolio website, and formally list my services.
- I need to draw up contracts for new clients.
- I want to register my business.
- I want my products to be stocked in at least 3 local store fronts.
- I want to do monthly markets, and to expand my sales online (Etsy, Facebook marketplace, a shop on this site?!)
- I need a steady and reliable blog schedule.
- I want to monetize, or grow my affiliate programs but only with companies that fit my brand.
- I want to start a mailing list, with monthly newsletters, exclusive printables and what not.
- Keep up with the rebrand, make sure all content on Instagram and this site is cohesive.
- Expand my niche, but also stick to my guns and keep it simple, don’t focus on too many topics.
- Build a media kit.
- Be authentic, and make sure that my audience knows the blogger behind the posts. Be true to myself and don’t sacrifice what is in my heart for the brand.
Ultimately, I want my businesses, both freelance and Cozy Bones, and this blog to link up seamlessly, which is proving to be a bit more difficult since both businesses are completely different. I have contemplated with marketing myself as a Creative, and just using this as a blanket site for both projects, which would ultimately save me so much stress, but I run into the issue that maybe my freelance audience doesn’t want to see my crocheted cacti or sushi? I hope that’s not as confusing to read as it was to write, and I hope I can figure out a way to incorporate both into the site at some point, mainly because I don’t feel like building another site!
What are your goals for your business or blog this year?
Do you separate your goals into categories too or am I just insane?
Thanks for reading,